Kubernetes Namespace Cheatsheat


Namespaces are used to organize common resources in your Kubernetes cluster. By combining like resources under one name, we are able to filter our outputs and commands.

Rather than attempting to remember the structure of a namespace manifest, this post will show you how to generate a new namespace manifest using the kubectl create command.

Kubernetes Namespace YAML

The following is an example of the namespace configuration for Kubernetes.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: serverlab

As simple as a namespace configuration is compared with other Kubernetes resources, remembering the apiVersion and exact structure can be difficult. Instead, use the kubectl create command to generate a base template for you.

Generating a Namespace using Kubectl

To generate a new namespace configuration, use the the kubectl create command. For namespaces, the kubectl command requires one argument, the name of the namespace you want to configure.

In the following example we generate a namespace named serverlab. The --dry-run flag is used to stop kubectl from sending the request to the Kubernetes cluster’s api-controller, and the -o yaml flag instructs kubectl to output the results in YAML format.

kubectl create namespace serverlab --dry-run -o yaml

The output of the command will look similar to the following:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  creationTimestamp: null
  name: serverlab
spec: {}
status: {}

Notice that the output includes fields not normally used when storing Kubernetes configurations in a YAML file. Cleanup the unnecessary fields when savings the configuration to file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: serverlab

Applying the Configuration

With your newly created namespace configuration based on the output of kubectl create, you can create the namespace in your Kubernetes cluster by applying the configuration.

kubectl apply -f serverlab-namespace.yml